Sunday, December 27, 2009

exam makin hampir...

hurm... lme gk x update nie... pnat gk manage blog byk2 nie... (2 je pon)
4 ja 2010 t exam akn brmula... but hny r UPS... so k g kot... xd r seseram PSPM yg dimne pimter akn dpandang tgi oleh org len... aq kne usaha lbey g coz nk kjar cita2 aq yg telah trtunggak satu tahun... tp byk persaingan... cne nk wt??? aq knpius...

ektuli... byk gmbr yg q nk uploadkn dr hp aq... but kabel trtgal di kolej.. so x ley r... + g 2 mgu nk cuti dh pas hbes xm... so time tue akan aq uploadkn byk gmbr2 d fb espcially...

smlam idah + nazrul engaged!!! aq igtkn men2 je... but btol2!!! sape sgke gosip d skola jd knyataan lak... aniwei... congratz k... mgkn sbb tue kot aq x dtg ke mjlis tue... + kwn2 len yg g k mjlis tue... sorg pon x msg aq... cam r aq ni jaoh sgt... but x sah r... guys korg mmg my best friends!!!

so... later k....

Monday, December 14, 2009

hari baru...

hari baru tiba lg... tp aq rse aq still di tapak lama lg... x tau pe yg x btol...
neway... abe good luck tuk xm... ( t aq setting lek ) lupe r... send emel cne nk setting kn lek... hehe...
doa2 kn aq ek kwn2...

k r nk g klass... salam... :)

Sunday, December 06, 2009

ne my frens???


hari brganti hari... pergi x kmbali... tp yg ad still di ingati but ne r my fren ni...
aq kdg2 rse cm kwn2 aq kt semesti lu dh byk menyepikan diri... mgkn kdg2 aq update blog pon x tentu mereka usha... smpai rse cm malas je nk update... but aq still update sbab aq x nk lost contact ngan kwn2 aq...

aq kdg2 rse kwn2 bru ad sbgai pengganti but yg dlu2 nyepon still di hati... ntah r pe yg aq bicarakn ini... hrp kwn2 slalu mengunjungi...

hrp2 kwn2 yg tgk blog aq ni as i update it leave a comment sbgai ptanda yg aq tau korg lwat aq... hehe... ngada2 tolkn... but this is me... (huihhh... tjok lagu kot...) yg dipopularkn oleh demi levato huhu...

bubye now...

Saturday, December 05, 2009


hi guys!!! i want to share a cuperr cool story... the story begins...

Porn and Sunee fought at a house. Sunee Died. Porn sewed her mouth with holy string to control her vengeful spirit and buried her. 25 years later to the day, two honeymooners visit the same house and are in for a surprise... One spirit waiting for revenge, another spirit cursed for being the replacement, Porn and Sunee fought at a house. Sunee Died. Porn sewed her mouth with holy string to control her revengeful spirit. Then Porn and Chai buried her under the tree. 25 years later, Ton and Mook spent their honeymoon at a resort. At night the ghost Sunee haunted Mook and killed all labors...

pretty goofy huh?? try to check it out... click the link below...